Chapter History
Chi Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega is proud to be the first National Women’s Fraternity chartered at Oregon Agricultural College (now Oregon State University) -installed March 19, 1915.
In 1926 Chi members moved from leased premises at 8 Park Terrace into a newly constructed Chapter House—an “Italian Villa” architectural style dwelling located near the corner of 26th and Monroe Street on the edge of the Oregon State College campus.
Fall term 1956 found members living nearby in another new Chapter House of contemporary style construction at 310 N. 26th, only one and one-half blocks from the campus. AXΩ is the first chapter of a national fraternity at Oregon State University to build its second house.
Alpha Chi Omega has been considered an outstanding group on the Oregon State University campus for the past 100+ years.
National History
Alpha Chi Omega was founded at De Pauw University in Greencastle, Indiana on October 15, 1885. In 1903 Alpha Chi Omega became affiliated with the National Panhallenic Conference.
There is a bell tower at DePauw University created in 1976 dedicated in honor of the founders of Alpha Chi Omega who are as listed: Anna Allen Smith, Olive Burnett Clark, Bertha Deniston Cunnigham, Amy Dubois Reith, Nellie Gamble Childe, Bessie Grooms Keenan, and Estelle Leonard.
Hera day is our national day of service and was declared in 1911 as, "great day of service" and in 1978 the Alpha Chi Omega foundation was established. In 1992 Alpha Chi Omega shifted it's national philanthropy to support victims of domestic violence.